Bespoke Suit Fabric Material Ordering Process
We offer a unique sample service, please select from one of our many suit fabric online swatch guide. Email or ring this through to our head office in Manchester England.
We will then discuss the colour and shading choice, then we will ask what sort of weight you like and finish of the material.
Then we will send you a minium of 5 real swatch samples to in the post that same day.
This process guarantees you are compleltly happy with your end choice.
You need to get the right colour, weight and finish and you can only guarantee this when seeing it for real in your hand.
The swatches will only be on the small side, so please dont expect half a meter in the post :)
But its enough for you to gauge the correct choice of colour/shade, weight and finish.
All we ask is £5 either by paypal or over the phone via credit or debit card, towards the cost of handling and shipping of the samples. ( As a gesture of good will we will refund this £5 against your first order placed with us )